Paddy – System of Rice Intensification
1. What are the technologies to be adopted for SRI?
•Raised bed Nursery
•Using younger seedlings (14 days old)
•Square planting (25*25cm)
•Irrigation by alternate wetting and drying (irrigation at hairline crack formation)
•Weeding though Cono weeder
• LCC based N management.
2. What are the benefits of SRI?
•Less water requirement
•Reduced cost of cultivation
•High Yield
3. Whether SRI is suitable for all Varieties?
Yes, suitable for all the varieties.
4. What is the seed rate for SRI?
3 kg per acre
5. I would like to know the transplanting technique for SRI?
•One seedling of 14 days old
•Square planting of 25 x 25 cm
•Transplant within 30 minutes of pulling out of seedlings.
6. How can I operate Cono weeder?
Moving the Cono weeder with forward and backward motion to bury the weeds and as well to aerate the soil at 10 days interval from 10-15 days after transplanting.
7. How to control the thrips attack in paddy Nursery?
•Destroying of host weeds near the nursery area.
•Spraying of neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5% or neem oil 2% or Chlorpyriphos 20Ec 2m/lit of water.