ICAR has considered the foundation as one of the NGOs for technology assessment, refinement and demonstration and sanctioned Krishi Vigyan Kendra during April 2005 and named as Saraswathi Krishi Vigyan Kendra (SKVK). The SKVK has been implementing various activities with well established physical, manpower (10 technical and 6 administrative staff) and infrastructural facilities like administrative building with well equipped audio visual aids, conference hall, soil and water testing lab, plant health clinic, information centre with e-connectivity, latest scientific journals and books with well equipped library (550 sq. m.), farmers hostel with the capacity to accommodate 50 to 100 participants (305 sq. m.) and staff quarters (400 sq. m.). The Senior Scientist & Head is incharge of day-to-day activities supported by 6 Subject Matter Specialists in areas like Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Agronomy, etc.
Kendra has established a scientific model farm having organically certified crops like mango, amla, sapota, guava, and annual crops of paddy, maize and groundnut. Also having the demonstration units like dairy, poultry, vermicompost production, biogas, azolla production, bio inputs production, fish pond , plant propagation, horticulture nursery, meteorological observatory, modern and advanced machinery for cultural and plant protection